Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our School

The “Luigi Pierobon” lower secondary school is a big institute with a roomy gym, modern computer rooms, science labs, music labs, art and technology rooms and a nice Assembly Hall. There are more than 800 students aged 11 – 14, and more than 80 teachers. There are 11 sections with 33 classes altogether, which are characterised as follows:
·         there are some linguistic-literary sections, which dedicate extra lessons to the study of languages (apart from Italian, students can learn English, French, German and Spanish);
·         there are some sports-technology sections, in which students dedicate themselves more thoroughly to physical educations and have technology labs;
·         a music section, in which students can learn to play instruments for three hours a week and take part to the school orchestra;
·         a scientific section, where students have extra science lessons;
·         an art section, where students have extra artistic activities.

Since many years the school has taken part to students’ exchanges with some schools in France and in Spain and has formerly been a partner school in three Comenius Projects with other European Nations (Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Austria) which included students’ echanges as well. Our school is part of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) and organizes and runs projects on the ASP themes.
Our students take part to Regional and National Sports Competitions, to the National Maths and ITC Olympics, they have Spoken English Trinity Exams and German Goethe Exams, and have a lot of activities dedicated to ecology, to the artistic beauties of the territory, to the well-being of the students. The school has got a choir and an orchestra which take part to national competitions with success.
The school building is just out of the Cittadella centre, and from its windows it is possible to admire the mighty walls lit by the morning sun.

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