Friday, December 31, 2021

Monsters guessing game

Monsters guessing game – classi prime


Pair work  – verbi da usare: to be e to have got.


Gioco 1:

Un alunno sceglie un mostro, l’altro alunno deve indovinare quale mostro ha scelto.

L’unica domanda che non si può fare è: “what colour is it?”

Domande possibili:

Has it got… (eyes, legs, a mouth, wings, a tail, a fur …)?

Has it got… (long, short, big, small…) (eyes, legs, arms…)?

How many… (eyes, legs, hands, teeth…) has it got?

Is it… (fat, thin, tall, short…)?

Is it… (angry, happy, sad, scary…)?

Poi si fa cambio.


Gioco 2:

Un alunno sceglie un mostro e lo descrive, l’altro alunno deve indovinare di che mostro si tratta.

L’unica frase da non usare è “It is blue/red/yellow…”

Frasi possibili:

It has got… (one, two, four, seven…) (eyes, legs, mouths, wings, tails…)

It has/hasn’t got… (long, short, big, small…) (eyes, legs, arms…)

It is/isn’t… (fat, thin, tall, short…)

It is/isn’t… (angry, happy, sad, scary…).

Poi si fa cambio.


Ogni 5 minuti circa si cambiano le speaking cards, ogni 10 minuti circa si cambiano le cards e le coppie/gruppi.


I am a monster!




At a clothes shop – classi prime o seconde - pair work 

Esempi di dialoghi:


Dialogue 1

·      Excuse me

·        Yes?

·        Do you have this jumper in black?

·        Yes, just a moment. What size do you need?

·        Extra small, please.

·        Here you are.

·        Where are the changing rooms?

·        They're over there. Behind you.

·        How much is this?

·        It's £29.

·        Can I pay by credit card?

·        Yes, you can. Of course. Would you like a bag for that?

·        Yes, please.


Dialogue 2

·        Hello, Can I help you?

·        Hello, yes please. I’m looking for a T-shirt.

·        What colour do you prefer?

·        I like blue or red.

·      And what size do you need?        

·      I usually use a large / medium / small size.

·        OK. In your size we have these three models.

·        Oh, they are very beautiful!

·        Do you want to try them on?

·        Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms?

·        They are at the end of the corridor / They are just over there.

·        Ok, thanks.

(A few minutes later…)

·        Do they suit you?

·        Yes, I choose this one. How much is it?

·        It is 20 euros. Would you like to buy anything else?

·        No, thank you / Yes, I also need a ….

·        Ok, come with me, please. 

          Do you want to pay by credit card?

·        No, thank you, I pay cash. Here it is.

·        Thank you. Here’s your change.

·        Thank you. Good bye.

·        Good bye.


Dialogue 3

·        Can I see that skirt, please? … Do you have it in black? I am looking for a skirt for a party.

·        No, sorry. We only have it in white and grey. I suggest a grey one.

·        Thank you. OK then. Can I try the grey skirt on?

·        Sure! What size do you usually take?

·       I usually wear a medium size.

·        Here you are. The fitting room is on your left over there. …. So how is it?

·        Mmm. It’s too short for me. Do you have it a bit longer?

·        Let me check... Well, here it is.

·        Now it's really beautiful and comfy. I like it.

·        Yes, it suits you. And its colour matches the colour of your hair.

·        How much is it?

·        It's on sale now. We sell it at 50 per cent discount and it's only 15 euros.

·        Really? I'll take it. And I also need some shoes. But not too expensive, please. I have a size 36 and I prefer heels.

·        OK. I'll get them for you. … So how do they fit?

·        Oh, the shoes are too tight. Can I have a bigger size? … Yes, these are cute and stylish.

·        They look really nice on you, especially with your new skirt.

·        I want to buy them. Please, pack the shoes.

·        OK. Do you want to pay by card or cash?

·        I want to pay by card. Here it is.

·        OK. Please put a signature on your receipt. Thank you for shopping at our store.


Dialogue 4

·        Good afternoon. Can I help you?

·        Good afternoon. Yes, please. I’m looking for an elegant dress for a party.

·        What colour would you like?

·        I don’t know. What colours have you got?

·        We have got all colours. What do you think of blue? I think it matches your eyes and your blonde hair!

·        OK. Have you got it in a medium size?

·       Yes, here you are.

·        Can I try it on?

·        Of course. The changing room is there.  ….    Does it fit?

·        Well, it is a little small. Have you got a bigger one?

·        Only in red. Would you like to try it on?

·        Yes, thank you.   … It fits perfectly.

·        Yes, and it suits you well.

·        How much is it?

·        It’s 55 Euro.

·        I take it. Can I pay by card or in cash only?

·        You can pay cash and by card, too.

·        Here is my card.

·        Thank you. Please sign here.  Good bye. Thanks for shopping here.

·        Thank you, good bye.

Per allenamento:

Clothes pair work

Per allenamento:

Clothes vocabulary


There is/are, some/any

Immagini per l'interrogazione classi prime Ricorda: Domande possibili: What is this? Is there /are there a/an/any... in/on/under...? How...