Monday, January 3, 2022

At a restaurant pair work


At a restaurant – classi seconde o terze

Esempi di dialoghi:

Part One – Restaurant Front

Waiter: Welcome to … Restaurant.
Waiter: Do you have a reservation?
Customer: No, I don’t.
Waiter: Please come with me and I’ll take you to your table.
Customer: Thank you.

Part Two – Ordering Food and Drink

Waiter: Here’s the menu.
Customer: Thank you
Waiter: Would you like to order a drink?
Customer: Yes (>look at menu<).
                    I’ll have a…. (lemonade, coke…), thanks.
Waiter:  Great. 
Waiter: Are you ready to order your main meal?
Customer: Hmm, let me have a look.
Waiter: Sure. Take your time.
Customer: Okay. Hmm. I’ll have …. (pasta, pizza…), thanks.
Waiter: Great.  And how about some side dishes?
Customer: I’ll have the (salad, French fries…), thanks.

Waiter: Great choice. And for dessert?
Customer: I’ll have the (cake, ice cream…).
Waiter: Perfect. I’ll bring your order right away.
 (>bring food<)

Part Three – Getting the Bill

Waiter: And how was the meal, sir?
Customer: It was great, thanks. Can I get the bill, please?
Waiter: Certainly. Here you are. So that comes to…. Cash or credit card?
Customer: Cash thanks. Here you are.
Waiter: Thank you.

Per allenamento:

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